
Geobis is pleased to announce the new MapSimplicity platform that will be realeased 2016 mid June, here are some of the available characteristics in the new Market and businees solution in the cloud

Navigation Environments

* The whole navigation system for Analysis, Consultation and Deployment of information has been rewritten and will make the new MapSimplicity Navigation System more robust and faster than the existing version.

MapSimplicity features

MapSimplicity reports

Statistics reports

* New statistical report summarized by neighborhood level, includes all the detail needed to be aware of changes in demographic data in an environment analysis of a region, resulting in a single thar shows all the different settings available.

KMLs Manager 1.1

* The first machine to manipulate KMLs facilitates KMLs import and export to and from the new Geobis MapSimplicity platform, allowing them to keep the attributes of the maps for consultation and multiple operations.

MapSimplicity Geobis

Digital maps and data

Print Maprinter 1.1

* Professional printing system in Portrait and Lanscape formats for all maps enviroment which includes the ability to print for vector maps, shadow maps, thematic maps, isochrones maps , ringsmaps and satellite images.

Automatic Geocoding 2.5.1 with addition of the new Transformer Robot 2.1

Georeferencing of Geodata

* Professional georeferencing platform GeDots has become independent, now has a set of unique and powerful servers that make data processing a fast and easy job, all processes of geocoding are treated professionally and at the speed that every user needs in terms of practical results.
* Includes a breakthrough in the mass data processing with the new interface for end users, called Transformer Robot , a system that allows the loading of any file regardless of the variables architecture to facilitate in a fast way the automatic address georeferencing processes and upload files with latitude and longitude coordinates I XY.

Geocoding Georeferencing

isocronas - isocrhonas

Platinum: isochrones up to 25 minutes and more

* A new level is added to the Demo, Education, Junior, Basic, Silver, Gold and Diamond platforms: The new Platinum version facilitates unlimited access to all data for download as well as the generation of isochrones up to 25 minutes each, the new query alternative and reporting is an open bar for information avid and reports online for the full development of their analysis.